God Will Bring Me Back

Gen 28:15
15 And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

What was the land that God was going to bring Jacob back to? It was the promised land, the land of goodness God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was the intended dwelling place for His chosen people, long ago promised, but somewhat long in actually acquiring.

It was a place where these wanderers really belonged – it was truly THEIR home, where they could rest from wandering and seeking. It would meet their needs, although in actuality, they would have to fight to keep the promised land that was so freely given to them.

But what I want to point out is that God promised to bring Jacob BACK to this place, regardless of where he wandered off to. If he strayed, God would be with him and bring him back to a place where he belonged, and where his needs would be supplied.

When I read this, I got the sense that God was telling me that however far I strayed from my home with Him, He would still be with me and would help me find my way home again. My failures, as I see them, would not cause Him to turn away from me in disgust and give up on me, stranding me in the emotional wasteland where I had wandered. His promise was to always bring me back to where I needed to be, the place where I really belonged, the place He intended me to be.

This comforts me, to know that there is no limit to His love for me, and like the Good Shepherd that He is, He will come after me like I am the one lost sheep and carry me back on His shoulder if need be. He won’t leave me to find my way back, or figure it all out on my own (you know what I mean – the thinking that I made my bed and now must lie in it). I can’t wander off so far that I am out of His reach or out of His care if I only turn to Him for help.

No matter the situation, it is never too late to return to Him and ask His assistance in whatever we are experiencing. I am never alone, and always welcome at home, even if I have been like the prodigal son. And best of all, He will keep on working with me until He has accomplished all He has intended for my life.

Penny Haynes