Wearing His Love And Faithfulness

Proverbs 3:3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.

I see women struggling all around me. Losses and disappointments, bodies and minds that are failing in different ways, and as a result, their spirits droop as well. Everything that happens to us that does NOT go our way brings with it the horrible temptation to forget everything good that has ever happened in our life, and more importantly, the good, good Father who has always been there for us.

We can’t help but be self-centered, selfish people while we live in flesh suits. Our only hope for godliness is the actual God living inside of us through the Holy Spirit. But unless we CONSCIOUSLY choose to YIELD to the God living in us, we will become trapped in this flesh suit and become a slave to all of its whims.

That is why we MUST choose to focus on His love and faithfulness that never leaves us. We must remind ourselves and let others remind us of all God has and can still do in our lives. We MUST also choose to display and express His love and faithfulness to others, as we would a beautiful necklace we want everyone else to see.

Remembering His love and faithfulness comforts us, but EXPRESSING His love and faithfulness, especially when we don’t feel like it, actually RELEASES THE HOLY SPIRIT to flow through us into others and bring us and them healing. Even in our brokenness, God can use us to bless and bring transformation into the lives of others. Today, in the midst of your struggle, find a way to remind yourself of His love and faithfulness, and then encourage someone else by sharing it.

1. What are you struggling with today?
2. What acts of God’s love and faithfulness toward you can you bring to your remembrance?
3. Who can you share that with?