Jesus Came So We Could Live Through Him

1Jo 4:9
9 God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent His One and Only Son into the world so that we might live through Him.

So often we think about living our life FOR God, but that is not what God wants for us. He wants us to live THROUGH Him. There is a big difference.

When we live for God, we do our own thing, make our own decisions, use our own strength, and then dedicate what we have done for God’s service and glory. However, when we live THROUGH Him, we relinquish our own desires, drives and determinations and do nothing without His power and direction. We don’t ask God to bless our decisions after we do what we please; we ask God’s direction and then do what pleases Him.

Living through Him also requires that we acknowledge that we need Him and cannot do it on our own and still be in the center of His will. We must admit our inability to always do what is right, and our bent to do what is selfish and self-serving. We must not lay down our will, but wilfully choose to seek His plans for us and pursue those plans with all of our heart.

So I encourage you to think about whether or not God is your co-pilot or your Pilot, because He shouldn’t be along for the ride. He needs to be driving. We need to seek Him so we can find Him, and then simply listen and obey. If we don’t hear anything from Him, then we keep doing the last thing He told us to do. Whatever we do, it needs to be in His will, in His strength, through His power.

Penny Haynes