When In Doubt, Do Nothing

I have had a few people who read these posts tell me that they (and other people they know) are going through a time of darkness.  They cannot see the road ahead, and are not sure what exactly to do.  However, we shouldn’t rush into something if we really don’t know it is God.  Sometimes we should just STOP and do nothing – until further notice from God.  

The scripture from my morning devotion was Isaiah 50:10 –

Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the word of his servant?  Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.

The point of the devotion is that trusting God and doing NOTHING is sometimes the hardest thing.  We are creatures of action, “fixers” by nature, and having an unresolved situation eats at us.  And yet, as Moses told God in Exodus 33:15 – “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” 

You do not want to go where God has not gone before You and prepared the way.  You do not want to do battle without God’s provision and protection.  In other words, sometimes you DON’T go anywhere or DO anything.  So what DO you do?  You trust God and wait, doing whatever is before you until His will is revealed.

Case in point: the unrented rental house we have.  It’s going on 4 months of being empty at this time. We have put it in the paper, we have put up signs, we have put the word out.  But nothing concrete – just emptiness. 

I am so tempted to worry about it, thinking what else am I to do while the mortgage eats away at our finances?  Should I go to other churches and make it known it is available?  I don’t feel that is His leading or thought.  It is only mine. 

I get the feeling that He is testing us on this, and I am simply to trust Him to bring us the right renter.  So I am.  But it takes concerted effort NOT to do anything, including getting anxious about it.

The devotion continues this way:

If the darkness covering us strikes terror in our hearts and we run back and forth, seeking in vain to find a way of escape from the dark trial where God’s providence has placed us, then the Lord cannot work on our behalf.

Only the peace of God will quiet our minds and put our hearts at rest.  We must place our hand in His as a little child and allow Him to lead us into the bright sunshine of His love.  He knows the way out of the dense, dark forest, so may we climb into His arms, trusting Him to rescue us by showing us the shortest and most reliable road.  Dr. Pardington (From “Streams in the Desert” by L. B. Cowman)

I love the image of us being a child who simply places our hand in our Father’s hand and trustfully lets Him lead us wherever He wills.  He KNOWS where to go – we don’t.  Will you put your hand in His and simply trust Him?

I know sometimes there are situations when you are forced to make a decision in a certain time frame, and you are unsure what to do.  Let me comfort you then.  No matter what you choose, if you cannot hear Him, He can make it all work for His glory and your good.   There is no situation He cannot fix if it is His will.  So make the decision and LEAVE IT IN GOD’S HANDS.  Worrying will change nothing.  Trust Him.

What are you worrying about today that is depleting your spirit and body, and causing you to get in the way of His work in the situation?  Share it here, in the comments or on the Forum.  We will pray with you that God will give you the wisdom to know what to do, as well as when to do it, and the determination to wait upon Him in the meanwhile.

Penny Haynes
