She always counsels based on the Holy Spirit’s leading

July 31, 2017

I’ve known Penny since 1998, when I first attended World Harvest Church where she was involved in ministry. I attended several groups that she has led; i.e., Singles Ministry, Celebrate Recovery Small Group, Large Group, one on one bible study, and one on one ministry.

Penny is always available, she will fit you into her schedule within a day or two, no questions asked.  She listens to you and always counsels you based on the Holy Spirit’s leading and the Word of God.  Penny has spoken things into my life that was confirmation of what the spirit had already revealed to me. I completely trust her.    She always did this from the heart and not for any monetary gain. I could go to her with things most any Counselor, Christian or otherwise, would be shocked about and she always just led right into the conversation as if it were all normal… that is important when you feel you are broken and unworthy. I can definitely testify that counsel from her,  on numerous occasions,  has led to much-translated positivity in my life.” SE