Deciding Not To Sin With My Mouth

Ps 17:3 I have determined that my mouth will not sin.

Out of the abundance of the heart is what the mouth will speak. That is why it is so important that we take every thought captive, and compare it to Christ, what He has said and what He has done.

Thinking before we speak is a simple concept but not so easy to implement. But we do have the ability to stop, close our mouths, and think about what we are about to say before we actually say it. This gives us time to listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading, to see if He is telling us to be quiet or to proceed.

We must make a conscious decision to determine that we will not sin with our mouths, we will not express a lack of faith in God, we will not express a lack of love to others or ourselves. This is particularly hard when others have spoken harshly to us. We have a tendency to repeat the hurtful things that others have said to us. But we can be free of it as we are healed of these hurtful things.

I challenge you to put a guard over your mouth and not speak anything that does not encourage and edifying others and especially yourself today. You need to build yourself up in the most holy faith, and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Speak life and faith to yourself today, not negativity. Speak the truth of the situation but counter it with God’s eternal truth.

1) What does determining that your mouth will not sin mean to you and how can you practically accomplish that?