Temperament Analysis Profile



Request your online Temperament Analysis Profile to discover how God uniquely designed you, and what your needs are. We will send you a link to the online test and then let you know when the results are in.  Taking this analysis is a prerequisite for all counseling with Penny Haynes.  It saves approximately 8 counseling sessions, as there is no need to try to figure out “what makes you tick”. It immediately provides valuable information about how God designed you, and the specific Temperament needs that must be met for you to be at peace.  We will discuss those needs in our counseling session.

Once we have discussed your Temperament needs, you will be given access to the Introduction to Temperament Therapy course with more information about your temperament.

If you are interested in the Package which also includes 2 individual 50 minute sessions at a $10 discount, click here.